Life Coaching from the most Loyal Companion

Every time I go to a new festival I end up leaving with something new; whether that is a new friend, a new lesson, or a new obsession with a particular song. This culture is one of the most passionate and creative out there and experiencing something like a festival with thousands of strangers who suddenly feel like family is something everyone should experience at some point in their lives. These lessons I learn at each festival have reworked themselves into my everyday life and I want to share what they are with you.

These lessons can also be related to my dog’s behaviour.

1.    Whether you’re on an adventure, at work, or just relaxing at home, take time to stop and really experience everything in that moment. My dog takes three times as long as any other dog to go for a normal walk because I let him stop to sniff absolutely everything he wants to. And because of this, it gives me a chance to stop and look at my surroundings and grasp each moment as it comes to me. Really feel that moment when your favourite DJ walks on stage, capture that emotion inside you and remember it.

 2.    Dogs really understand what it means to make new friends. It’s as easy as saying hello to each new person you see. We’ve entered this generation that is too scared of silence, of small talk and of meeting new people. Instead of talking to the person next to you on the bus, you pretend to be intensely texting someone or violently scrolling through Facebook. Take the time to acknowledge the person dancing and singing next to you, you’ll probably make a new friend.

 3.   Your family is your team. Period. You’ve got your captains, your players, your forwards, your defense, and you're all placed in the world together to defend and watch out for each other. You’re there to love each other through successes and failures, through wins and losses. A dog doesn’t understand greed, malicious behavior, jealousy or heartache. They understand love and will love you unconditionally if you let them. That is how we should live our lives, and how we should treat each other at these festivals. We’re all there for the same reason.

4.   Loyalty. Always remember the people who treat you right, and always hold them above everything. People who you can trust to have your back are hard to come by. So when you find them, treat them with respect, show them love, and continue to be loyal companions. Trust your emotional connection with music and remain loyal to yourself and your passions.

 5.   Being protective. I don’t mean isolating the things you’re protective over, but when it comes to things, and people you love, protect them. Be possessive yet careful not to suffocate. If you care deeply for someone, watch out for his or her well being. Be protective of our music culture. Stand up for it, praise it, and use it as a means of expression that encompasses a sense of pride.


I hope to experience all of this with you at the Amsterdam Music Festival this year,

- Tabitha